The job of a small city mayor isn’t an enviable one. Much of the job is about fixing potholes, keeping the water running, keeping streets safe and collecting the garbage. When they’re most successful, many of us take them for granted. Larry Klein and City Councilman Otto Lee lent their support
However, what happened last Friday, made us truly Sunnyvale proud. More than 1,000 Sunnyvalians of all ethnic backgrounds and ages assembled downtown for a Peaceful Protest March in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter. They brought hand-crafted signs and chanted enthusiastically “No Justice, No Peace.”
The streets of Sunnyvale were filled on Friday, June 5 when thousands turned out to participate in a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. The march started at Cityline Redwood Square in Downtown Sunnyvale and moved to City Hall. It was organized by a group of young adults from Sunnyvale.
The streets of Sunnyvale were filled on Friday, June 5 when thousands turned out to participate in a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. The march started at Cityline Redwood Square in Downtown Sunnyvale and moved to City Hall. It was organized by a group of young adults from Sunnyvale.